If they tested say The Finish of Drunken Assemblyman #1 over here, and his finish looked fine, they Approved! the batch of 20 rifles he had in front of him. So while you would assume one rifle bad meant a batch got thrown out, it was quite the opposite. As part of the Freedom Group's you know, Business Plan or whatever, they started BATCH Testing rather than RIFLE testing. He brought up a few interested points and I really took a lot out of this, he said, Bushmaster used to inspect each rifle, and they had their quality control focused on each aspect of each rifle. And he was there when they got bought, when it transformed, etc. and why they did what they did / how they did / chose to work certain ways with certain parts/setups etc. ANYWAY he worked for them for a while, explained to me their positions on several different 'options' and 'configurations' etc.
I have spoken to a gunsmith / assembler for Bushmaster back when Bushmaster *was Bushmaster* and they were a smaller but popular top quality producer in the Northeast? or wherever.